Monday, March 16, 2009

learning more about this goggle site

I had one of my students work with me on the goggle side of this. I had no idea there was an i goggle but it is now connected to this blog site and I was having fun customizing it. I am trying to figure out if I want the RSS feeds to go there or to my blogger side, still playing. Is everyone setting up a facebook site ??? I have the site but have not done a thing with it, seems to be too many place to keep checking and exploring


  1. I opened up a facebook account, but I have done very little on it. I am going to spend most of my time blogging, and working on my classroom website. You're right, there is way too many sites to check into!

  2. I have had a facebook site for a few months, but have not used it much. It's interesting to see what people will put on it though. Some people have way too much time on their hands. My family has a family website that was set up by an aunt. I find it easier to handle and more personal.

  3. Agreed--so many places to check right now. I find myself spending WAY more time on this course because of it.
